Board and CEO Unveil New Name and Identity

Today MYS or Macdonald Youth Services, Manitoba’s largest youth serving organization, announced its new name and logo. Knowledge Keepers, community organizations, youth, families, funders, and staff participated in a comprehensive consultation process and today The Link: Youth and Family Supports was unveiled to the team and an event kicked off an extensive rebranding initiative.
In June 2021, the Board of Directors unanimously decided to change the name to acknowledge the harms perpetrated by the residential school system and the call to take action toward reconciliation. The rebranding conversation had escalated in the spring of 2021 with the discovery of hundreds of unmarked graves and prompted a diverse working group of board members and staff to establish a process and spark a series of in-depth community consultations

A New Look. The Same Commitment to Youth & Families.
Even though we have a new look, the valuable work being done will carry on as we persevere and strive to create a safe, positive, environment for everyone.
“This brand reveal is the first step in a transformative journey, which the Board of Directors wholeheartedly embraces,” said Shane Storie, Chair of the Board, The Link: Youth and Family Supports. “I am so proud to be a part of this impactful change and even though we have a new look, the valuable work being done will carry on as we persevere and strive to create a safe, positive, environment for everyone.”
The logo’s icon represents connection, unity, and compassion; we are a supportive network and are all interconnected. Our connection to the earth is represented in the colours in the icon. The two shades of green represent growth and the earth, gold signifies the sun, and blue symbolizes sky and water.
“Our values are echoed in this new brand, the story connects us to the communities we serve and gives us action and direction for the path we embark on today,” said Kerri Irvin-Ross, CEO, The Link: Youth and Family Supports. “We’ve built a strong foundation over the years, but I am very excited to see what we can accomplish going forward together by being a vital link for many youth and families in our province.”
Our Brand Ambassadors will begin efforts to incorporate the new brand within all levels of the organization and external networks. A new website is ready for visitors and content will continue to evolve in the coming weeks.