Coach Programs
The Coach Program was created to offer social and educational supports for students in Winnipeg.
The program provides an off campus setting to empower students as academic learners while promoting success in community activities. Each student is met with a comprehensive, strength-based wraparound approach using the High-Fidelity Wraparound Model.
The goal of the program is to support students socially and academically and have students reintegrate into their home school.
“ I am very thankful for all the Coaches and what they all have done for me. They continue to be a support and have helped me in every stage of my life. They accepted me no matter what. I am so happy I can continue to call and still have the relationships I made when I was a kid at Coach.” JK, Age 24
Coach 1
Mulvey School
Grades K-6
Coach 2
General Wolfe School
Grades 7,8,9
Partners include:
Child and Family Services Authorities
The Link: Youth and Family Supports
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
Manitoba Families
Winnipeg School Division
The Link also has a teacher on staff and on-site at the main office. There is a small classroom setting and educational supports are offered to participants of The Link’s programs.