Preparing Youth for Life as Adults
Our Skills4Life programs help youth in the community and those leaving care navigate the realities of adulthood as they make the transition to independence and pursue their goals for school, work and life.
We have four programs available:

Helps young adults 18 to 29 develop pre-employment and job search skills along with the ability to self-advocate. Participants also receive one-on-one help based on individual needs like housing and housing rights; medical, legal and CFS issues; as well as employment and income assistance.

Positive Alternatives for Youth
Youth participants work in teams alongside volunteer mentors on community service projects to learn job and life skills while making positive contributions to our community.

Independent Living with Supports
Helps youth ages 16 to 21 make the transition from living in care to caring for themselves as responsible and independent adults.

Housing First
Housing First helps young adults aged 18-30 who are homeless or aging out of care and at risk of becoming homeless find their first house or apartment. Youth also receive ongoing support as they learn to make their own way in the world as independent adults.