Mental Health and Addictions
All families go through tough times.
The Link offers a range of free crisis supports to help stabilize youth 21 and under experiencing trauma, suicidal thoughts, and difficulty coping, while also ensuring emotional, physical and cultural safety and wellness for everyone in the home.
Informed by the Circle of Courage ©, The Link continues to learn about and provide trauma-informed services and support for all children, youth, adults and families served. Clinical Services at The Link are delivered using a collaborative and multi-disciplinary service delivery model, which incorporates holistic, culturally safe, trauma-informed, resilience-based and evidence-informed interventions.
Our organization has a diverse group of experienced and knowledgeable people representing various professional disciplines, which include occupational therapists, marriage and family therapists, Master of Social Work and Master in Counselling Psychology therapists to help steer the organization toward clinical excellence in supporting our young people.

Connect @TheLink
Family Therapy
Connect is a free therapy support for families, couples and individuals. You do not have to be currently accessing The Link’s programs to participate. As long as you are not in crisis or requiring clinical care.

Momentum @TheLink
Parent Group
The Link’s Momentum is a group therapy program designed to support and bring parents together who may be experiencing similar challenges.

Drop-In Counselling
Counselling for Youth
Free for Youth and Young Adults Ages 13-21
3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
175 Mayfair Avenue, Winnipeg
Call 204-477-1722 for information

Youth Community-Based Addiction Services
Shared Health Manitoba
A Rehabilitation Counsellor is available at 175 Mayfair Avenue in Winnipeg to support youth ages 12+, their families and caregivers.
Call for more info or for an appointment: 204-477-1722

Brief Therapy Team
The Brief Therapy Team is a multidisciplinary team of therapists who receive referrals from Mobile Crisis Services, Mobile Crisis Team, Clinical Follow-Up Facilitators (CFF) and Youth Emergency Service (YES).

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
A broad skills-based training program for youth struggling to cope when in crisis.